Harris Lambrakis was born and raised in Athens, and started playing music at a very young age under many good teachers. He graduated from the Music High School of Pallini and the Music Department of the University of Athens with direction in ethnomusicology. He was fortunate to collaborate with internationally renowned musicians such as Haig Yazdjian, Savina Yannatou, Michalis Siganidis, Ross Daly, Kostas Tatsakis, Periklis Papapetropoulos, Christos Tsiamoulis, Antonis Apergis, Stefano Battaglia, Bijan Chemirani, Michel Doneda and many others. For the last 30 years he have been participating in recordings and concerts worldwide. He also teaches ney, giving seminars and masterclasses in Greece and abroad. Since 2018 he is in charge of Intercultural Orchestra of GNO.
concert or live lessons or seminars
Harris Lambrakis Quartet
The Solo Project
Savina Yannatou & Primavera en Salonico
Savina Yannatou (voice), Kostas Vomvolos (qanun), Kyriakos Gouventas (violin), Yannis Alexandris (oud), Michalis Siganidis (double bass), Kostas Theodorou (percussion) and Harris Lambrakis (ney).
Michalis Siganidis
The seminars and masterclasses I've given so far are divided into four main categories:
a. The makam of Istanbul
b. Greek repertoire for ney and other instruments
c. Rhythmic improvisation in modal music
d. Free improvisation
This masterclass developed as training course on the makam of Istanbul or the Ottoman makam in general. The central idea is the makam to be approached in practice with as much as possible repertoire and less talk. Important role in this process have the old sound recordings and practice on the instrument. Where appropriate and feasible, the repertoire extends beyond the Ottoman music. At the base, however, of the process remains the analysis of the old recordings (taksim, gazel and compositions). The masterclass covers all relative instruments may approach the particular music genre.
VOLAX (2023)
FRANCE (2019)
CYPRUS (2015, 2016)
In this workshop we focus on repertoire and the local idioms from various regions of Greece (Thrace, Macedonia, Epirus, Thessaly, Roumeli, Peloponnese, Aegean Islands) and other countries, associated with the traditions of the Balkan peninsula and especially of Greece. The workshop explores ways of adapting "local" techniques on the ney and other similar instruments (oud, kanun, saz, lyre etc.)
LABYRINTH - ROSS DALY (2018, 2019)
MUSIC VILLAGE (2010, 2011)
Improvisation, or taksim, is an extremely widespread term in modal music. In many instances, rhythm is added to the equation and then we can say that we have modal rhythmic improvisation (or more simply the rhythmic solo). The musician is called to build solos into a given rhythm, usually derived from the repertoire of a particular region. In this workshop we work on various methods to approach rhythmic improvisation, taking as a starting point repertoires familiar to the musicians involved. Then, we examine the structures and forms of improvisation that have been developed through various music traditions.
LABYRINTH - ROSS DALY (2012-2016, 2020, 2022, 2024)
NICOSIA (2012)
Free improvisation (or whatever it is called periodically, free jazz or improvised music), is specific in terms of the objectives but extremely broad in regards to the material which it treats. Focusing mainly on group dynamics and mutual trust, the key objective of this seminar has been the mutual communication of the participants, without being concerned with which music materials were to be used by each. The act was often revealing, and the fact that many musicians with non-Western instruments participated in the seminar, added new features and sounds to the whole free improvisation scope and spectrum.
(+30) 6978022168